About Breathwork
Breathwork is designed to induce altered states of consciousness
similar to those experienced with psychedelics.
The primary goal of breathwork is to reach an altered state where you may experience,
vivid visualizations, emotional releases, self exploration and personal
It can be used as a therapeutic tool for healing past traumas, gaining new
insights and experiencing transformation.
Breathwork can decrease activity in anxiety associated brain regions like the
amygdala, and increase neuroplasticity in the prefrontal cortex and other areas of
the brain that regulate emotion. Moving to alpha and theta brain waves enhance
access to old memories and the subconscious mind.
The breathing technique alters the blood PH level leading to respiratory alkalosis,
which stimulate the sympathetic nervous system. This increases adrenaline, heart
rate and blood pressure for the first little bit. The vagus nerve becomes stimulated
thus kicking in the parasympathetic nervous system. This promotes relaxation and
moves you from fight or flight and into rest and digest. It also increases your
serotonin levels and decreases chronic stress hormones.
Changing blood PH levels and stimulating the nervous system is what leads to changes
in perception and consciousness. This promotes relaxation and moves you from fight
or flight and into rest and digest. It also increases your serotonin levels and
decreases anxiety and chronic stress hormones.
People have experienced altered states of consciousness, visualization, insights,
self exploration, personal growth, emotional release, decreased chronic pain and so
much more!